Scientist positions at the OUATUniversity of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Orissa, India

Pay scale: PB-3, Rs.15,600-39,100/- plus RGP Rs.6,000/-

Desirable qualifications:

  1. Bachelor Degree with minimum of 55% marks
  2. Master Degree with minimum of 55% marks
  3. The candidate must have cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) with one publication in NAAS* (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) rated journal.
  4. The candidate having Ph.D. degree with Course Work as prescribed in the UGC Regulation, 2009, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of National Eligibility Test (NET) and the candidate has atleast 02(two) full length publication in the NAAS* rated journal on the last date of application. The candidate with Ph.D. Degree without Course work will not qualify for NET exemption.
  5. A relaxation of 5% will be provided from 55% of the Bachelor’s Degree level and the Master’s Degree level for the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe category candidates.
  6. Candidate who have appeared the NET examination, can apply for the post, with an undertaking to produce the NET Clearance Certificate on the date of interview.
  7. NET / SLET / SET shall not be required for such Master’s Programme in discipline for which NET / SLET / SET is not conducted.
  8. The candidate must have knowledge of Odia upto 7th Standard, in case of the candidates who have no knowledge of Odia, they have to pass Odia of 7th Standard within a period of one year.


Horticulture / Horticultural Science / Agronomy / Entomology / Nematology / Plant Pathology / Soil Sc. and Agril. Chemistry/ Plant Breeding and Genetics / Seed Science &Technology / Plant Physiology / Veterinary Science / Animal Science / Forestry/ Home Science./ Agril. Engineering.

Experience requirements: 02 years experience in KVK

Total No of vacancies: 62

Age limit: Maximum 40 years as on 01.01.2016

Last date to apply for this job: 01/24/2017

How to apply: The prescribed application form, information sheet containing the details of qualification, experience, scale of pay and other required conditions in respect of each post, general information and instruction to the candidate can be downloaded from University website. The application form complete in all respect along with self attested copies of all certificates, mark sheets of all examination passed, experience certificate and research publications, if any, shall be sent by Registered post before deadline and it should addressed to the Registrar, OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha.

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