Bachelors, Masters, PhD, Diploma Fellowships by Novus Biologicals, 2016

The Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program is awarded to students pursuing a degree in a science related field twice a year. A $1500 (or international currency equivalent) scholarship will be awarded to one student for the fall and spring semesters. Research is a critical component for the development and advancement in the life science community. We want to further scientific achievement by helping students who are interested in developing a career in science.

Novus Biologicals: The mission of Novus Biologicals, LLC is to accelerate scientific discovery by developing and marketing unique products for the lifesciences. Novus Biologicals is also organized to provide the biological research community with a mechanism for commercializing unique biological materials. We also focus on continually monitoring scientific trends and supply materials to serve these trends. By making these products widely available to institutional and commercial researchers, Novus Biologicals plays an important role in furthering biological research.

Quick Overview:

OrganizationNovus Biologicals
Fellowship LevelBachelors, Masters, PhD, Diploma
Subject areasBiology, Chemistry, Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences
Enumerations $1500
Eligibility Open worldwide
Deadline July 8, 2016

Major Research areas:The research areas featured here represent the main areas of focus for Novus Biologicals. We looked at the areas of research where we have the most products published, the greatest scientific expertise and the strongest collaborator network and will continue to expand and innovate in these areas. Please click on a research area to learn more about new products, literature, and recent news.

Fill out the scholarship application form. Download the scholarship application form

How to apply

  • Submit a transcript of all college/post-secondary coursework (if high school student submit high school transcript).
  • Submit a written statement addressing the following topics:
    • Make a top ten list of how science helps you in your everyday life.

Write a personal statement of 500 words or less on how you plan to use your degree to further advance science in your field of interest.


  • Applicants must have a major declared in a science related field.
  • Open worldwide.

Enrolled or accepted for enrollment (baccalaureate, graduate, associate degree, or diploma) with a declared major in a science related field.

Selection and notification process

  •  Deadline for this application is July 8, 2016 11:59 p.m. MST.
  • Finalist will be notified by July 22, 2016.

Submission guidelines  Please submit your application and written statement to by July 8,2016 to be considered for the Fall 2016 Novus Biologicals Scholarship.