India: Amity University 1509 views


India: Amity University

About Us

Amity University, India: At Amity we benchmark only against the best institutions around the world. Our faculty and senior team travel all over the globe to learn and imbibe the best practices so that we can give a solid foundation for learning.

Regular Courses

  1. Actuarial Science
  2. Animation
  3. Anthropology
  4. Applied Sciences
  5. Architecture
  6. Biotech
  7. Commerce
  8. Communication
  9. Computer Science/ IT
  10. Design
  11. Economics
  12. Education
  13. Engineering
  14. English literature
  15. Environment
  16. Fashion
  17. Finance
  18. Fine Arts
  19. Food Technology
  20. Forensic Sciences
  21. Geo Informatics & Remote Sensing
  22. Health Sciences
  23. Hospital Administration
  24. Hotel Management Hospitality
  25. Insurance
  26. Insurance and Banking
  27. Language
  28. Law
  29. Liberal Arts
  30. Management
  31. Marine Science
  32. Medical
  33. Microbial Sciences
  34. Nanotechnology
  35. Neuropsychology & Neurosciences
  36. Nuclear Science & Technology
  37. Nursing
  38. Occupational Therapy
  39. Organic Agriculture
  40. Performing Arts
  41. Pharmacy
  42. Physical Education
  43. Physiology
  44. Physiotherapy
  45. Psychology & Behavioural Science
  1. Travel & Tourism
  2. Virology & Immunology


  1. Ph.D Admission
  2. International Courses
  3. Evening Courses
  4. Distance Learning
  5. Online Courses

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