ICMR: 50 Adjunct Professors / Scientists 6644 views

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR): Placement of Adjunct Professors / Scientists

Objectives: The aim of this scheme is to develop a useful and viable collaboration between universities/colleges/ institutes enhancing quality of skill development by involvement of academicians, scholars, practitioners, and skilled professionals in teaching, training, research and related services on regular basis in ICMR and its institutes only.

Who can Apply:

  1. Medical Professionals,
  2. Scientists,
  3. Doctors and Researchers

Engagement Modalities:  For Collaborative Research at ICMR institutes.

Application / Selection Criteria:

  1. A Professor/ Scientist willing to be Adjunct Professor/Scientist has to submit their application specifying their request for placement in a particular Institute of ICMR.
  2. An acceptance letter is required from both the organizations.
  3. After receiving the application on recommendation of Head (HRD), the Director-General, ICMR will grant the status of Adjunct Faculty.
  4. The request could come from the Head of the ICMR institute also.


  1. Travel and Honorarium: will be provided travel cost, as per entitlement (in India), from his/her institution/place of stay and back, maximum 6  times per financial year.
  2. No reimbursement for hiring accommodation will be permissible.
  3. Free lodging and boarding in the Guest House if available.
  4. Honorarium of Rs.2000/- (Rs. Two Thousands only) / day of service subject to a maximum of Rs. 40,000/- (Rs. forty thousand only) / month.
  5. The Adjunct Faculty will work at the host institution for a min. of 5 days working per visit.
  6. The max. days for Adjunct Faculty will be 100 days per financial year.

Number of Adjunct Faculty: 50 – 200 per year.

SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: The application completed in all respects together with enclosures to following address:

The Director General, 
Attention: Dr.N.C.Jain,
Scientist-G & Head,
Division of Human Resource Planning & Development (HRD),
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR),
V.Ramalingaswami Bhawan,
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi-110 029.

Further Information: click here


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