Mitacs Elevate is a postdoctoral fellowship with a customized research management training component. Fellows address complex challenges through:

  • An exclusive research management curriculum for postdoctoral fellows in any discipline
  • A two-year research project with a partner organization in need of high-level expertise
  • A Partner Organization Business Case, developed to outline project objectives, risks, and stakeholder success criteria, and ensure project value


Elevate fellows receive:

  • $50,000 minimum annual stipend/salary
  • Training curriculum valued at $7,500 per year
  • Submission assistance, including application feedback, from Mitacs representatives
  • Certificate of completion after receipt of their exit survey and final report submission

How to Apply:

completed Application Package consists of the following:

  • A completed application form
  • A memorandum signed by all  parties, including relevant university research office, submitted as a scanned PDF
  • Applicant’s CV
  • Proposed academic supervisor’s CV
  • Three letters of support maximum:
    • One letter of support from the proposed academic supervisor
    • One letter of support from a former supervisor or person familiar with the fellow’s research expertise
    • One letter of support from an eligible partner organization on partner organization letterhead that confirms the amount of the financial commitment
  • Any supplementary documents as applicable

IMPORTANT: applicants are strongly encouraged to resolve the following before submitting their proposals:

  1. Submit an Intent to Apply no later than January 8, 2020 at 5 p.m. PT (non-mandatory)
  2. If applicable, submit an Intern Conflict of Interest (COI) Declaration. A declared conflict of interest must be submitted to no later than January 8, 2020 at 5 p.m. PT.
  3. All applications should be prepared using the most current template found on the website.  We strongly encourage you to submit a draft copy of your proposalfor a one time pre-review to elevate(at)
  1. Proposals with a not-for-profit partner must seek partner and project eligibility approval before proceeding. Please contact us at elevate(at)mitacs.caor a business development representativeto discuss the eligibility of an NFP organization before submission of the completed application package.

The completed Mitacs Elevate proposal should be written and submitted no later than January 8, 2020, to elevate(at) Late submissions will not be accepted.

Please note: Please submit the documents of your package as separate documents. Please do not combine them all in one file. ZIP files recommended.

When you have all the necessary documents ready, please submit them by email to elevate(at) All applicants will receive a confirmation email from Mitacs when a complete application has been received.

If references would like to send their letters confidentially, they may email them to elevatereferences(at) All letters must be received at Mitacs by the competition deadline.

Quick Overview————-
Fellowship LevelPostdoc, Scientist
Subject areasAll discilines
Fellowship amountAs per rules
EligibilityPhD + Experience
DeadlineJune 10, 2020


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