Ray Snader Scholarship for Higher Education, USA 1974 views

Ray Snader Scholarship is an opportunity for a young person who wants to acquire a college education, but as a result of a member of their family being imprisoned as a result of a felony conviction they have a financial hardship in obtaining the necessary funds for their college education.

The scholarship is not limited to one seeking a career in law or justice studies, rather, this scholarship is intended to help any college bound student who has had to deal with or overcome the difficulty of a parent being held in custody.

How to Apply:

  1. Write a essay sharing your story of more than 500 words;
  2. Where do you wish to attend college;
  3. Career path you wish to pursue;
  4. If awarded, how the scholarship will be beneficial for you.
  5. The essay must be received by email by no later than June 30.
  6. Provide your first and last name, email address, home, address, and phone number listed at the beginning of the essay (or in the letterhead)
  7. Provide a copy of your transcript or any form of attendance verification at an accredited college or university;
  8. Submit validating paperwork/verification that the parent named is your parent and was imprisoned. Copies of records are sufficient.
  9. Any material provided will be held in strictest confidence and will be shredded after the scholarship is awarded


  1. Applicant must be graduating high school no later than May/June, 2018 or actively enrolled in an accredited college or university in the United States
  2. Applicant must have a parent currently in prison for a felony offense, OR
  3. As a result of the parent’s prior confinement, the family is unable to provide sufficient financial assistance for tuition, book, and other related college expenses

Email application to scholarship@snaderlawgroup.com

Quick Overview-————
OrganizationLaw Offices of Howard A. Snader
Fellowship LevelBachelor’s/Master’s
Subject areasAll Disciplines
Fellowship amountNot mentioned
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline 30 June (Yearly)



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