Scientist / Postdoc position Biology and Genetics 1778 views

Scientist / Postdoc position Biology and Genetics : Scientist / Postdoc position at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Developmental and Evolutionary Biology & Genetics Behavioral SciencesMicrobiology & Ecology

Post-doctoral Position – Genomics of Migration

The department combines several biological disciplines/areas including evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, behavioural experiments, molecular biology, and fieldwork, and utilizes emergent technologies to identify the genetic basis of migratory traits.


  1. Holds a PhD in Biology
  2. With a strong background in bioinformatics and skills in programming (scripts and analysis pipelines).
  3. Experience in identification: characterizing of behaviorally regulated genes, expression profiling, avian neurobiology or genome editing are great assets.
  4. The successful candidate will participate in fundamental research questions on migratory genomics.

Application Procedure:

Applications should include

  1. a cover letter outlining your motivation, specific interest in this project and your relevant experience,
  2. a detailed curriculum vitae and copies of certificates,
  3. the contact details of three academic referees.
  4. Interested candidates should Please send the above as a single PDF file to
  5. Review of applications will start on March 24th 2017 and will continue until the position is filled.
  6. Candidates may contact the aforesaid mail id for more information.


Dr. Miriam Liedvogel
Max Planck Research Group Behavioural Genomics
MPI for Evolutionary Biology
August-Thienemann-Str 2
24306 Plön

Quick Overview—————-
OrganizationMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Fellowship LevelPostdoc / Scientist
Subject areasBiotechnology
Fellowship amountAs per NormsHow much fellowship amount
DeadlineNot mentioned

Further Information regarding the Position

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