EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne): Staff, PhD Postdoc Grants 15151 views

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): PhDs and Postdocs Grants

Most projects are part of national or/and international collaborations and offer the opportunity to interact with scientists active in different disciplines.

Available projects:

PhD Students

You will find below a listing of open research assistant positions at EPFL, to which you can apply by contacting the relevant professor or laboratory.

  1. Title: CDM – PhD Positions in Operations, Economics and Strategy
  2. Title: ENAC – Two PhD positions in geomechanics and environmental geotechnics at LMS lab
  3. Title: ENAC – PhD position in daylight perception and views out
  4. Title: ENAC – PhD position in Earthquake Engineering


  1. Title: SB – PhD student in Physical Chemistry
  2. Title: SB – PhD position in experimental particle physics
  3. Title: SB – PhD position in physics and systems neuroscience
  4. Title: SB – PhD position on non-linear optics and quantum optics in wide bandgap material photonic crystals
  5. Title: SB – PhD position on optical trapping in photonic crystal structures
  6. Title: SB – PhD position in astroparticle physics
  7. Title: SB – PhD position Statistical Mechanics of Intracellular condensates
  8. Title: SB – PhD position in Surface Reaction Dynamics
  9. Title: SB – PhD student in Biomedical Optics


  1. Title: STI – Two PhDs student positions in Interfacial Imaging of Water: New Light on Cellular Hydration
  2. Title: STI – PhDs & postdocs in Polymer Interface Science and Nanomedicine
  3. Title: STI – PhD position in data-based control and learning
  4. Title: STI – PhD in Multi-Modal Aerial Robots
  5. Title: STI – PhD position in Coordination Systems
  6. Title: STI – PhD Positions in Machine Learning @ LIONS
  7. Title: SV – PhD student positions at EPFL-Institute for Cancer Research in Lausanne (Switzerland)

Postdoc and Scientific Positions

  1. Title: EPFL  | Online since: 12/15/2020
  2. Title: Postdoctoral position in Computational Protein Modeling and Design | Job no.: 1636,EPFL  | Online since: 12/14/2020,Beam-line scientist | Job no.: 1633
  3. Title: Postdoctoral Position in Cryo-EM of Neurodegeneration at the Laboratory of Biological Electron Microscopy (LBEM) | Job no.: 1629
  4. Title: Postdoc in Numerical Physical Limnology | Job no.: 1491
  5. Title: Collaborateur scientifique à la section de Sciences de la vie | Job no.: 1614
  6. Title: Postdoctoral researcher in observational astrophysics: photometry of stellar standard candles | Job no.: 1624
  7. Title: Postdoctoral researcher in observational astrophysics: time-domain spectroscopy of stellar standard candles | Job no.: 1625
  8. Title: Postdoc in AI for population mapping in Africa | Job no.: 1621
  9. Title: Assistant scientifique spécialiste en automatisation industrielle pour Swiss Cat+ | Job no.: 1618  | |
  10. Title: Opening of postdoctoral positions in the IdePHICS lab “Information, Learning & Physics” with Pr. Florent Krzakala | Job no.: 1617 
Quick Overview————
OrganizationEPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Fellowship LevelPhD, Postdoc, Staff
Subject areasVaries
Fellowship amountAs per rules
EligibilityMasters in relevant discipline
DeadlineOpen until the position is filled

See the link below to apply

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