CENTER OF INNOVATIVE AND APPLIED BIOPROCESSING (AnAutonomous institute under Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of science and technology, Govt of India, C-127.2rW Fto. Industrial Alia. Fhase-Vlli. SAS Naja-. umi-160071 (Punjab)


Center of Innovative and Appled Bioprocessing (ClAB) is an Autonomous Institute estattisried under Department
of Biotechnology (DBT). Mnisity of Science & Technctogy, government of of India. The institute invites applications for apponlment on folowng positions:

Sr. No.Name of the PostNumber ofPos:sPay Scale
1.Teclncal Officer (microbial and Enzyme Bioprocessing)01(UR)PB-2.9300-34800 • Grace Pay-fts. 4.20ft’-
(Stores & Purchase)’
01PB-2.9300-34800 • Grace Pay-Rs. 4,20ft’-

The candidates who had applied earlier (or (he post of Management Assistant (Stores & Put chase) in response to the advertisement no. CIAB»’14i!01S-Reett., position listed as Sr. No. 4 (iii). NEED NOT apply again. The reservation ol posit wtl be applicable as per the previous advertisement reference no. mentioned above.

How to Apply: The compeled applications should be sent to The diet Executive Otfcer (Attn Acminislratoe 0*cet|. Center of imovaihw anfl Appleo Bopnx*ss*K} (CtAB). C-127.2nd Floor. Phase-VM, Industrial Area.
S AS Napa r. Mohair 60071. Punjab” by post in the prescribed format and must reach on or before the last date of receipt of applications I.e. up to 10-07-2015.

for further details