1-3 Ph.D. positions in the field of Nanoelectronics Sweden

III-V MOSFETs have demonstrated excellent device performance during the last few years, and they are the most promising device candidates for active THz functionality. The nanoelectronics group at Lund University has been studying these III-V MOSFETs for over 10 years, and will direct a new EU-funded consortium in the area of III-V  MOSFET technology and applications.

The PhD positions aim at fabrication of III-V MOSFETs and III-V MOSFET low-power circuits in nanowire/FinFET geometries. A particular focus will be on the development of device technology to meet circuit specifications. The research will primarily involve device and circuit fabrication and characterization where RF and noise aspects will be central.

The positions may involve a combination of experimental and theoretical work.

Teaching at undergraduate level is a part (15%) of the position.


MSc in Engineering Physics, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Nanoscience or an equivalent degree. Experience with cleanroom work, semiconductor physics, and electrical characterization are of merit.

Evaluation Criteria

University degree and grades, both from MSc and BSc (if applicable).

Knowledge, and demonstrated courses in device physics, quantum mechanics and basic circuit design are of strong merit. The quality and topic of MSc thesis will also be evaluated. Good command of English is required. Knowledge from experimental research, e.g. clean room work or device characterization is of further merit.

Type of employment
Limit of tenure, four years according to HF 5 kap 7§.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

Type of employmentTemporary position longer than 6 months
First day of employment2016-01-01 eller enligt överenskommelse
SalaryMonthly salary
Working hours100 %
CountySkåne län
Reference numberPA2015/3593
ContactLars-Erik Wernersson, Professor, +46 46 2229003
Last application date29.Nov.2015 11:59 PM CET

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