IIIT Kalyani Recruitment 2015 Faculty, Non-Faculty (10 Vacancies): Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Kalyani invites  applications from Indian nationals for the following full-time Faculty and Non-Teaching positions of the Institute. The last date for receipt of application is 16th October 2015. 

About IIIT:  The Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) is set up at Kalyani, Nadia District by Government of India (MHRD), Government of West Bengal and Industry Partners on a Not-for-profit Public Private Partnership (N-PPP) basis. The IIIT, Kalyani is funded in the ratio of 50:35:15 respectively by the above three parties. Additionally, the Government of West Bengal has lent support to the Institute by granting 50 acres of land for setting up the Campus. The Industry Partners of IIIT Kalyani are Coal India Ltd and Rolta Foundation.

Application Fee: Each application should accompany a Demand Draft (DD) of ₹ 1000/- only towards application fee favouring Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani and payable at Kalyani.

Name of the PostTotal VacanciesPay Scale
Associate Professor02 (Computer Science & Engineering / IT)PB-4 with Grade Pay of ₹ 9500/-
Assistant Professor (On contract)05 (Physical – 01, Mathematics – 01, CSE/IT – 03)PB-3 with Grade Pay of ₹ 6600/- + 07 additional non-compounded increments
Junior Assistant01PB:1 (₹ 5,200 – 20,200) with Grade Pay of ₹ 2000/-
Technical Assistant02PB:2 (₹ 9,300 – 34,800) with Grade Pay of ₹ 4200/-

Age Limit: Below 27 years for Junior / Technical Assistant for direct recruits.

Educational Qualifications:

Associate Professor -> Ph. D. + 06 years after Ph.D. or 09 years total (not counting Ph.D. enrolment period), out of which 03 years should be after Ph.D. Three years at the level of Assistant Professor with AGP OF ₹ 8000/- or equivalent in a reputed University, R&D Lab. Or relevant industry.

Assistant Professor -> Ph. D.

Junior Assistant -> Matric with +2 in any discipline with a minimum Typing Speed of 35 w.p.m. and proficiency in Computer Word Processing and Spread Sheet.

Technical Assistant> First Class Bachelors (Honours) Degree in Sciences in relevant subject or equivalent grade from a recognised University / Institute (OR) First Class Diploma in Engineering in relevant field with excellent academic record (OR) Post-graduate degree in science or B.E./B.Tech in relevant field from a recognised University or Institute.

How To Apply: The prescribed application form, duly filled in, signed and be sent along with necessary enclosures to THE REGISTRAR, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, KALYANI BLOCK-A, PHASE-III, P.O. KALYANI, DIST. NADIA – 741235 WEST BENGAL so as to reach by 16/10/2015 without fail.

Each application should be sent separately in sealed envelop superscribing the same with “APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF<Name of the Post>” and the “Advertisement Number and Date”.

Further link: http://www.iiitkalyani.edu.in/about-iiit.html