Four PhD fellowships in Manufacturing Networks and Operations (IVT-151/15 and IVT-152/15): Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics, offers a PhD programme in Logistics and Master programmes within all its areas of education.
Four PhD fellowships of three years duration are available at the Faculty of Logistics at Molde University College, Molde, Norway, and at the Department of Production and Quality Engineering at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
We are searching creative PhD students with strong interest in production management. We offer an exciting and challenging environment where you will perform your research in close collaboration with innovative industrial companies in Norway. The research will be directed towards the planning challenges of cutting-edge companies, and you are expected to spend much of the research time in the companies.
———————-Quick Overview—————— | |
Organization | Molde University College, Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Fellowship Level | PhD |
Country | Norway |
Subject areas | Production Management, Industrial Engineering, Operations Management, Logistics |
Fellowship amount | |
Eligibility | Open for international students |
Deadline | 25th of January 2016. |
The PhD fellowship positions are within the research project Manufacturing Network 4.0. The project aims to develop knowledge and methodology for dynamic design of manufacturing networks, innovation and knowledge sharing, and next generation manufacturing operations. The vision is to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness of Norwegian companies, and to expand the Industry 4.0 concept from the factory level to the integration of global manufacturing networks.
PhD candidates should have a Master degree in Production Management, Industrial Engineering, Operations Management, Logistics, or other relevant background. Applicants with Scandinavian language skills will be preferred.
The PhD candidate will also be a member of the Production Management research team working on the interface between science and industrial applications.
Further information about the positions can be obtained by contacting Associate Professor Lise Lillebrygfjeld Halse, phone +47 48026155 e-mail: or Professor Jan Ola Strandhagen, phone +47 92685427, e-mail:
Positions at Molde University College:
Industry 4.0/ Internet of Things (one fellowship) – reference 15/00942
This topic addresses the use of technologies supporting internet of things applications within and across companies. We are seeking a candidate with a solid academic background in information systems combined with knowledge of supply chain management and manufacturing preferably with skills related to research involving manufacturing industries. Experience and knowledge of process flow visibility, canonical data models and/or message based integration, semantic technologies, ontologies as well as OPC interoperability technologies and GS1 standards will be an advantage.
Innovation in manufacturing networks (one fellowship) – reference 15/00943
This position will focus on creating new knowledge about value co-creation in global manufacturing networks. Of particular interest is the effect of sourcing strategies, including localization on the long-term innovativeness in manufacturing networks. A further relevant topic is the relationship between IoT related technology and knowledge sharing in these networks.
Positions at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology):
Manufacturing network strategies (one fellowship) – reference IVT 151/15
This position will focus on developing and assessing manufacturing and supply chain strategies adapted to the needs of Norwegian manufacturers competing in global markets. Research topics include fabrication strategies for order-driven production; outsourcing/insourcing and offshoring/backsourcing strategies; supplier and distribution strategies; and after-sales service strategies.
Next generation manufacturing operations (one fellowship) – reference IVT 152/15
The position is related to creating new knowledge, methodologies and strategies for more lean manufacturing of customized products based on new concepts and applied ICT. This includes models, methods and tools for translating them into operational practice. Of particular interest is concepts for planning and control of small batch production in the Industry 4.0 concept.
Application requirements
Applicants for the positions at Molde University College have to apply via the website, where all documents should be uploaded (maximum size limit is 2MB per document). The application should comprise a resumé of the candidate’s background, a selfassessment of the relevance of this background to the scope of the project, and a section containing the applicant’s motivation for pursuing this opportunity. Furthermore, the candidate should also write a 3-5 page PhD project draft, broadly outlined with a few references to relevant academic literature. The application document comprising the above-mentioned elements must be of maximum of 10 pages. In addition we want a CV (synopsis of education and work experience), certified copies of educational certificates/transcripts, publication and academic works (e.g. Master’s thesis) that are relevant to the application and names and addresses of three persons who could be contacted as references for academic and personal qualifications. The scholarship will only be awarded if admission to the Molde University College PhD Logistics programme is granted.
Applicants for the positions at NTNU have to apply via the website Applications with CV, possible publications and other scientific works, project description (1-2 pages), certified copies of transcripts and reference letters must be submitted electronically via this website. Applicants will engage in the organized PhD training program in Production and Quality Engineering at NTNU, and appointment requires approval of the applicants plan for a PhD study within three months from the date of commencement. See for more information. The period of appointment is three years without duties but can be extended to four years including 25 % other work duties.
General information
Applicants may be invited for an interview. The evaluation of the candidates will be based on a combination of academic and personal qualifications relevant to the Manufacturing Network 4.0 project.
The PhD positions will be remunerated at wage level 50 on the Norwegian State Salary Scale in code 1017, currently equating gross NOK 430 500 per year, of which 2% is deducted for the Norwegian State Pension Fund. The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations concerning state employees and guidelines for employment as Research Fellows at universities and university colleges in Norway.
Every application must be clearly marked with the reference number mentioned above for each fellowship. This means that you have to apply separately for each of the four fellowships if you would like to be considered for several of the four positions.
The positions adhere to the Norwegian Government’s policy of balanced ethnicity, age and gender. Persons with immigrant background and women are encouraged to apply. According to the Freedom of Information Act, section 25, 2nd part, the list of applicants may be made public. Requests for anonymity must be specifically justified, but cannot be guaranteed.
Deadline: The application deadline is 25th of January 2016.