The PhD Programme Renewable Energy aims to provide doctoral students with the opportunity to Research at international partner institutions within the IPID4all programme.To find a PhD position in the field of renewable energy at the University of Oldenburg please follow our application guidelines.
The PhD Programme Renewable Energy is integrated into the Graduate School Science and Technology. Like the other PhD Programmes, we have developed a curriculum in order to provide the basis for a structured PhD Programme.
With just one click on the diagram it will enlarge and make it easier for you to read.
Research in Oldenburg has applied itself to the wide ranging research field of energy for more than 30 years. This research includes science and engineering areas as well as information technology, meteorology and economics. These activities take place at the University of Oldenburg and at independent research institutions such as ForWind, NEXT ENERGY and OFFIS. The main focus of energy research in Oldenburg is the future of energy supply systems.
In order to structurally strengthen the interdisciplinary cooperation between the various Oldenburg research groups, the cross-faculty research network ENERiO, with over 25 participating research groups, has been established.
The scientific profile of the doctoral training is based on the interconnection between different scientific disciplines and a strong relation to other industry and scientific partners.
Research Areas
Resource | |
Solar Energy Meteorology Turbulence Research Wind as a Resource | Energy Meteorology, Dr. Detlev Heinemann Turbulence, Wind Energy and Stochastics – Twist, Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke ForWind, Prof. Dr. Joachim Peinke |
Conversion | |
Thin-Film PhotovoltaicWind Energy ConvertersCogeneration / Fuel Cells Physical Chemistry | Energy and Semiconductor Research, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Parisi Next Energy, Dr. Martin Vehse ForWind, Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn Wind Energy Systems, Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn Next Energy, Dr Alexander Dyck Interfaces, Prof. Dr. Gunther Wittstock Electrocatalysis, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mehtap Oezaslan |
Storage | |
Batteries Stationary Energy Storage | Next Energy, Dr. Wedigo von Wedel Energy and Semiconductor Research, Dr. Thorsten Plaggenborg |
Grids | |
ICT for Smart Grids Energy Systems System Modelling and Analysis | OFFIS, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff Next Energy, Dr. Karsten von Maydell Next Energy, Dr. Thomas Vogt |
Economics | |
Energy EconomicsRecycling | Ecological Economics, Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner Environmental and Development Economics, Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack Economic Policy, Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer Cascade Use, Dr. Alexandra Pehlken |
The diagram of the curriculum is based on the examination regulations of the Graduate School Science and Technology, Appendix “PhD Program Renewable Energy” (at present only in German).
When you join the PhD Programme Renewable Energy the Admissions Committee will usually stipulate that in order to finish the program and gain the supplementary certificate you will have to gain a miniumum of 30 credit points (the maximum of 60 credit points is for those researching at doctorate level and from a previously non-related research area).
These credit points are to be spread amongst the modules A, B and C. Of which at least 12 points in module A, at least 6 points in B and at least 6 points in C. The remaining points can be spread amongst the modules as wished. In general, you can say that 30 working hours is one credit point. The examination regulations give you more information on the credit points available for each module.
Guidelines for Applying to the PhD Programme Renewable Energy
The field of renewable energy is very broad. If you want to get a good grounding in all areas of renewable energy study then see the website of the Postgraduate Programme in Renewable Energy.
If you study renewable energy at doctorate level then you have to specialize in one particular research area. To study at doctorate level you have already completed eight semesters of higher education and have completed a Master, Diplom or Magister degree.
The steps to joining the university at doctorate level are:
- Find yourself an academic supervisor, who can be any professor from your field of interest at the University of Oldenburg (UO). The research areas that are included in our programme are to be found on this website.
When writing to a professor from your chosen research area state:
i) What you want to research and a detailed description of the topic
ii) Why you want to research this particular area
iii) Why are you particularly suited for research on this particular topic
iv) Include a copy of your CV
If you are self-financing your research then make this clear in your application to your chosen supervisor.
Sometimes paid research positions are available and you apply for these as for any job. This way you are able to finance your research period.
If a suitable position is not available then for further information about possible sources of financing see:
- Once the professor has accepted you then you apply to the Faculty V, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Antrag auf Zulassung als Doktorand). Before returning this form it is important that you sign pages 3 and 4 of the application and your chosen supervisor signs page 5.
N.B. All requested documents are to be supplied as attested copies (you can supply the originals if you are in Oldenburg). - Once you have been accepted by the Faculty V you enrol at the university as a doctorate student. Register yourself at the student registration office (Immatrikulationsamt) by 15th April or 15th October respectively at the latest for both the doctorate studies as well as the PhD program, i.e. two registrations. If you know your acceptance will go through after this date you can ask for a provisional enrolment (vorläufige Einschreibung). An online registration (Einschreiben – Promotion) is also possible (closing dates are the same); this site is only available in German.
- Now you canapply to the Graduate School ‘Science and Technology’for admission to the PhD Programme Renewable Energy.
Graduate School applications for the summer semester have to be received by 1 March; 1 September for the winter semester. Late applications will be processed for the following semester. - It is possible to apply to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Graduate School ‘Science and Technology’ concurrently, but the Graduate School application will not be processed until the Faculty has approved your application.