IIM Rohtak has a strategic location. It’s the only IIM currently within the National Capital Region of India. It has proximity to a flourishing industrial belt spread across Delhi and Haryana. It has aspirations to be a global leader in due course of time. It has ambitious plans to achieve a global scale, global brand and global recognition at a rapid pace.
IIM Rohtak is now seeking the association of academic and corporate professionals who can make its vision and plans come true. IIM Rohtak invites applications for faculty positions from academic and corporate professionals on regular/contract basis. The following are details of positions and pay.
Candidates applying for the position should have a good publication record, excellent professional achievements, and a demonstrated ability to make their intellectual contribution accessible to experienced managers through teaching, training and published work. Candidates should have a strong understanding of current developments in the related field. Faculty members are responsible for carrying out research, designing and teaching courses, conducting continuing education programmes, contributing to interactive distance education programmes, institution development, and consultancy, in addition to performing as DEAN if the task is assigned.
Interested applicants possessing required qualifications and experience may send their applications in prescribed format to the undersigned on the address mentioned on top so as to reach the addressee latest by June 12, 2015. If you have any queries, please e-mail to faculty.recruitment@iimrohtak.ac.in or call 01262-274050.