Max Planck Research School – Max Planck Institute for Brain Research: 10 PhD positions are available at the of the International Max Planck Research School for Neural Circuits


The Research School (IMPRS) for Neural Circuits offers up to 10 positions every year for students holding a relevant Master´s or Bachelor´s degree to perform research resulting in a PhD degree.

The common focus of the IMPRS for Neural Circuits will be the understanding of neural circuits.

This ambitious objective will require analyses at the molecular, cellular, multi-cellular, network & behavioral levels, with the full understanding the macroscopic phenomena (spatial patterns, dynamics) can be scale-dependent, and that reductionism is not always sufficient as a method.

Research areas are perception, connectomics, theoretical neuroscience, synaptic plasticity, brain dynamics, neural circuits, behavior and systems neuroscience.

The call for applications of the seventh round is now open. The deadline is December 15, 2016 for positions starting in the Fall of 2017. For exciting PhD studies in the heart of Europe, please apply via

Open Positions 10 (approx)
Time Span 3 years
Type of Position PhD – Doctoral Program
Area of Research Mathematics / Natural Sciences
Subjects Neuroscience / Natural Sciences


Backgrounds in neuroscience, physics, mathematics, computer science, (bio) chemistry, biology and medicine as well as research experience in the participating institutions of the Frankfurt Neuroscience community.

The program is taught  in English.

Documents Required

       1. CV

       2. Reports, certificates

       3. Transcripts

      4. Letter of Motivation

Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2016

More Information: Click here

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