National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) (Govt. of India) is a society under ministry of water resources river development and Ganga rejuvenation), INDIA.

Applications are invited for the following scientist posts to be filled up by direct recruitment or absorption or deputation (including short term contract) at NIH of Hydrology (A Govt. of India Society under Ministry of water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation).

Call of application at Offices/regional Centres from Indian Nationals satisfying qualifications and experience as mentioned under:

Name of the postPay Band &Total PostsAge Limit
Grade Pay
Scientist D    Rs. 15600-39100
plus Grade Pay
       01Below 50
Scientist C    Rs. 15600-39100       05Below 40
    plus Grade Pay
Scientist B   Rs. 15600-39100        06Below 35
   plus Grade Pay

Headquarters and Regional Centre: Guwahati, Belgaum, Kakinada, Patna, Jammu and Bhopal or any part of the country.


  1. The number of posts in each category are likely to be increased or decreased.
  2. Applicants who have already applied for Scientist B against earlier Advt No. 1/2003 by the organization,  need not apply again.
——Quick Overview———
Organization National Institute of Hydrology (NIH)
Level Scientist
Subject areas Hydrology / Natural Sciences / Engineering
Salary As per gov. Rules
Eligibility Varies
Deadline Sept 2016

Application Procedure: Application format and advertisement are also available on the Institute

Website: Click here.

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