1296 Teaching Vacancies: TRBT – All disciplines 1378 views

Teachers Recruitment Board Tripura (TRBT) Invites Application from eligible candidates for 1296 Graduate Teacher Recruitment 2016

Deadline: Last date for application is 1st October 2016.

Total Number of Vacancy: 1296 Posts

Required Educational Qualification: 

  1. Graduate or Post Graduate from recognized university with at least 50% marks in either Bachelors or masters (or its equivalent) and Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) from National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) recognized institution.
  2. Four years degree of B. A. Ed. / B.Sc. ED. from any NCTE recognized institution.

Salary / Pay Scale: Not mentioned

Age Limit: 40 years.

Application Fee: 

  1. Test fees of Selection Test for Graduate Teacher (STGT) 2016 for UR category applicant is Rs. 300/ only & for reserved category (SC/ST/PH) applicant is Rs. 200/ (Rupees two hundred only)
  2. Fees once deposited will not be refunded (in any case) or adjusted for any other test in future. b) Candidates are to deposit test fees in cash in any branch of State Bank of India through system generated challan in favour of Teachers’ Recruitment Board, Tripura.

Application Procedure:

  1. Applications mode to this job are to be filled online.
  2. Please follow the link below to
  3. Important Dates:

Closing date for application is: 1st Oct. 2016

Further details, please refer to official notification

Quick Overview——–
OrganizationTeachers Recruitment Board Tripura (TRBT)
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areasAll Disciplines
SalaryAs per Govt. Rules
EligibilityBachlors / Masters
Deadline1st Oct. 2016

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