20 Faculty positions: S N Bose National Centre for Basic Science 2738 views

Faculty positions at SNBNCBS (S N Bose National Centre for Basic Science) invites Application for Associate Professor and Assistant Professor

SNBNCBS invites applications for recruitment for the posts of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.

  1. Associate Professor

Required Educational Qualification:

  1. D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch
  2. A very good academic record throughout.
  3. Successful applicants after joining are expected to carry out independent research and guide Ph. D. students. He / she are expected to publish high quality research papers in peer -reviewed journals.

Salary / Pay Scale:INR(PB-4) Rs. 37400-67000 + Grade Pay Rs.8700/-

Age Limit: Preferably below 45 years.

  1. Assistant Professor

Required Educational Qualification:

  1. D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch,
  2. A very good academic record throughout.
  3. Successful applicants after joining are expected to carry out independent research and guide Ph. D. students.
  4. He / she are expected to publish high quality research papers in peer -reviewed journals.

Salary / Pay Scale: INR (PB-3) Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs.7,600/-

Age Limit: Preferably below 40 years.

Application Procedure:

  1. Applications should be sent to S N Bose National Centre for Basic Science (SNBNCBS) office. Send fully filled applications to
    The Chairman, Faculty Search Committee,
    Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences,
    Block-JD, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700106.
  2. A soft copy is to be sent by E-mail to fsc@bose.res.in (photo and signature not required in soft copy).

The Centre consists of four Departments:

  1. Astrophysics and Cosmology (DAC);
  2. Chemical Biological and Macro-Molecular Sciences (DCBMS);
  3. Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences (DCMPMS)
  4. Theoretical Sciences (DTS).

Important Dates:

Deadline for application is: 30th December 2016

Quick Overview—————-
OrganizationSNBNCBS (S N Bose National Centre for Basic Science)
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areasSciences and Engineering
SalaryAs per Gov. rules
EligibilityPhD with experience
Deadline31. Dec .2016

For more details: Download Official Notification


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