27 Positions: Scientist ‘C’ Department of Biotechnology,  Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Reference No: A-12011/06/2018-Estt.

Vacancy Circular No:1-DBT/2019-Estt

The Department of Biotechnology invites applications for the post of Scientist ‘C’, Group ‘A’ Gazetted Post (Non-Ministerial and Scientific) to be filled on direct recruitment basis. The details are as under: 1.

No. OF Positions: 27

HOW TO APPLY: Candidates are required to apply online by using the following link http://www.dbtindia.nic.in/vacancies/. Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the said link. Brief Instructions for filling up the “Online Application Form” are given

CONTACT DETAILS: Candidates can contact over Telephone No. 011-24362363 on working days between 10.00 Hours and 1700 Hours.

Email: bbhushan.dhfw@nic.in for any clarification.


NATIONALITY: The applicant must be a citizen of India. The date for determining the age limit shall be 01.03.2019.

AGE: A candidate should not have exceeded the age of 40 years as on 01.03.2019 (not been born not earlier than 01.03.1979).


Following qualifications are prescribed for all candidates: i. ESSENTIAL: Master of Science in Life Sciences or Bachelor of Veterinary Science or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery or Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in the field of Biotechnology from a recognized University. ii. DESIRABLE: Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences or MD or Master of Veterinary Science or Master of Technology in the field of Biotechnology from a recognized University.

Deadline: last date for receipt of applications in online mode 1700 hrs of 28.02.2019.

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDepartment of Biotechnology (DBT), European Commission (EC)
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasBiotechnology
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to Indians and Europeans

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