104 Positions: Assistant Professor, Lakshmibai College (University Of Delhi)

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates along with their self-attested testimonials for filling up of the Assistant Professor, in the Academic Pay Level – 10 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix, in the College.

Advertisement No. Advt. No. LBC-Teaching Advt./01/2022

Total Number of Positions: 104

Post of Assistant Professor


For Filling Online Applications for Appointment to the Post Of Assistant Professor

Commerce- 12

Computer Science- 04

Economics- 10

English- 13

Hindi- 08

History- 02

Home Science- 11

Music- 01

Philosophy- 08

Physical Education- 01

Political Science- 05

Punjabi- 01

Psychology- 11

Sanskrit- 04

Sociology- 09

EVS- 04

Total Positions– 104

Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application form available at web-link (link given below) from the eligible candidates for permanent appointment to the post of Assistant Professor, in the Academic Pay Level – 10 of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix, in the College. The last date for receipt of application is 21st June, 2022 or within two weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News, whichever is later

Eligibility and Qualifications:– The minimum qualification for appointment as Assistant Professor is Master’s Degree with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in a concerned/relevant/allied subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign University

Salary/Emoluments: Pay Band Rs. 57,700/- in Pay Matrix Level-10. 

Application Procedure:-

Applications (with passport size photograph) on prescribed format stating qualifications 12th standard onward may be sent to the Head of the Department, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 by Speed Post.

Required Documents

An indicative list of such documents is as follows:
1. Proof of Date of Birth (Class 10th Certificate);
2. Caste Certificate, if applicable;
3. PwBD Certificate, if applicable;
4. Certificates/testimonials for all the academic Degrees/Diplomas/Certificate Courses, as indicated in the online
proforma by the applicant;
5. NET/JRF Certificate;
6. Experience Certificate duly issued by the parent office, which should
clearly indicate the break period, if any;
7. No Objection Certificate from the employer including vigilance clearance if applicable;
8. Any other certificate of academic/research distinction;
9. Research Publications in original etc. as per uploaded or filled in the application form;
10. M.Phil. and Ph.D. dissertations/thesis, if applicable.

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDelhi University
LevelGuest Faculty
Subject areasChemistry
SalaryAs per VI Pay Commission)
EligibilityMasters / PhD in relevant disciplines + Experience
Deadline21st June, 2022

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