Call for 31 PhD contracts in all disciplines at Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC), is open to applicants with significant international experience via the INterdiSciPlinarity and excellence for doctoral training of International REsearchers in Paris (INSPIRE) action.
Research Fields
All discipline
Eligibility criteria
- As per the definition of the European Commission, as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR), you need to have obtained the degree which would formally entitle you to embark on a doctorate in France, no more than four years before the start date of the INSPIRE PhD contract.
- The PhD contract will typically commence on the 1st of September 2017. Your Masters degree, or other relevant degree, should have been obtained no *earlier* than the 2nd of September 2013 and should be completed by the 31st of August 2017.
- You must not be enrolled in a PhD programme nor have *ever* been enrolled in one.
- You must not already be in possession of a PhD degree.
- ESRs will need to comply with the conditions of the EU-mobility rule (incoming mobility): candidates must not have had their main residence, or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.), in France for more than 12 months during the 3 years immediately prior to the deadline for the call (January 9th, 2017); compulsory national service in the home country, and/or short stays of less than a month, such as holidays in France, are not taken into account.
- Namely, you shouldn’t have spent more than 365 days in France between the 10th of January 2014 and the 9th of January 2017.
- Stays in the country of past and present residence are also limited by the EU-mobility rule: candidates whose project require significant time spent abroad are advised to contact the INSPIRE helpdesk as soon as possible.
- All required data and documents need to be submitted via the web-based portal by 12h CET on the 9th of January 2017. Applications in SDVS and SET will need to be submitted in English. Applications in HALL and SS can be submitted in French or English. Missing documents will render the application null.
- Applicants can apply to more than one research group at USPC – they have to inform the concerned thesis supervisors in this case.
- Thesis supervisors may present more than one candidate provided they include co-supervisors (“co-encadrant.e” or “co-tutelle”) in the application.
- Research-topic criterion: The proposed research project should be supported by the host research group at USPC and should not be excluded from EU funding due to ethical issues.
- Eligible Doctoral Schools are those that are affiliated with USPC.
International candidates, who would require a visa to be present in Paris for step 3, the final selection stage in March, are strongly advised to inform the INSPIRE helpdesk as soon as possible.
How to Apply:
The online application platform is now open and candidates may submit their application material here:
Closing date Number of awards per year | 09/01/2017 31 |
International mobility required? | yes |
Eligible destination country/ies for fellows | France |
Website of Fellowship Programme | |
Maximum duration of fellowship | 36 month |