Online applications are invited by JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY; JODHPUR for the post of Associate Professors / assistant professor in Engineering.

  • The online prescribed application form, qualification, eligibility conditions and distributions to the post are available on the university web-site-
  • The applicants are required to submit their online application form on or before December20th, 2016.
  • The applicants should submit their application through on-line along with the challan of Rs. 1000/- for General and OBC category and Rs. 500/- for the candidates belonging to SC/ST and PH category attached along with the online form. The payment so made is non-refundable.
  • The non-resident candidate belonging to OBC, SBC category shall be treated as General.
  • The applicants should fulfill the required qualification, experience etc at the time of filling of the application form, failing which his candidature shall be rejected and no addition or omission will be made in the application form after submission of the form. The incomplete form should also not be entertained.
  • The applicants, who have already employed, should provide No Objection Certificate at the time of interview/test and candidate who have attained the age of 60 or more cannot apply for the post advertised. 8. The candidate wishing to apply more than one post, should submit the separate application form with separate fees.
  • The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time of written test for screening and / or interview, or at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case the information / documents are found to be false / incorrect by way of omission or commission, the responsibility and liability shall lie solely with the candidate and her/his services shall be terminated without prejudice to any other action that may be initiated by the University.
  • The Certificates or documents in support of experience should be in proper format i.e. it should be on the organization’s letter head, bear the date of issue, indicate specific period or work, name and designation, pay band with basic salary and AGP etc issued by the employer, failing which the same will not be considered.
  • For the post of Assistant Professor, all the candidates shall have to appear in a written test for screening (in the case of receiving huge application forms). The test will be based on Syllabus of concerned subject recommended for GATE examination and short listed eligible candidates who may be called for interview for any post will be in the ratio of 10:1 with considering the category of Reservation.
  • At the time of interview, the applicants must bring all Original testimonial/ certificates related to her/his age, qualification, experience and caste etc. with one self attested photocopy. If the candidate fails to submit the original documents for verification and any discrimination is found while filling up the application form, he or she shall not be allowed to appear at the interview and her/his candidature shall be treated as cancelled without any further communication or notice in this regard.

Associate Professor:

SubjectsNo. of post
Arch & Twon Pig.02
Mining Engineering01

Assistant Professor:

Chemical Engineering02
Civil Engineering020101SC/ST


Computer Science & Engineering010101
Electrical Engineering010101ST


Electronics & Comm. Engineering020101SC


Mechanical Engineering0303010202 SC &
01 ST
Mining Engineering01
Production & Industrial Engineering0101
Structural Engineering010101

Required Qualifications:

Associate Professor: – Architecture & Town Planning

  • Bachelors and Masters Degree in Architecture/ Town Planning with First class or equivalent in Bachelors or Masters Degree and PhD. or equivalent in appropriate discipline.
  • Post Ph.D. publications and guiding PhD. student is highly desirable.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in teaching/ industry / research of which 2 years post of Ph.D. experience is desirable. Professional Practice of five years as certified by the Council of Architecture shall also be considered valid.
  • Note:- Only candidates Registered with Council of Architecture (COA) under the Provisions of the Architects Act, 1972 shall be eligible for the posts in Architecture GENERAL NOTE: Minimum API Scores will be required for direct recruitment of Professor & Associate Professor in the university along with other specified eligibility qualifications stipulated in the Academic performance indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), set out in table II(C) and table I of Appendix I of AICTE Regulations, 2012 as amended from time to time

Associate Professor: – Mining Engineering

  • BE/B.Tech and ME/M.Tech in relevant branch with First class or equivalent either in BE/B.Tech or ME/M.Tech. and Ph.D. or equivalent, in appropriate discipline.
  • Post Ph.D. publications and guiding Ph.D. student is highly desirable.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in teaching/ research/ industry of which 2 years post Ph.D. experience is desirable. GENERAL NOTE: Minimum API Scores will be required for direct recruitment of Professor & Associate Professor in the university along with other specified eligibility qualifications stipulated in the Academic performance indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), set out in table II(C) and table I of Appendix I of AICTE Regulations, 2012 as amended from time to time

Assistant Professor: – In various departments of Faculty of Engineering & Architecture BE/B.Tech and ME/M.Tech in relevant branch with First class or equivalent either in BE/B.Tech or ME/M.Tech.

The details regarding qualifications, experience etc, number of posts along-with category wise distribution, terms and conditions etc. is placed at the university website ‘’. The last date of submission of the application form is December 20th, 2016 upto 11.59 p.m.

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