35 Technical Positions: Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd 1166 views

Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd (MECL): WALK IN INTERVIEW for 35 technical positions

Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL) requires following personnel on fixed term contract basis for carrying out Geophysical work.

Geological Work & Chemical analysis of Samples for exploration work of MECL. The engagement shall be purely on Temporary S fixed term
contract basis for respective periods.

PostPostsRequired QualificationPeriod Remuneration
Assistant Geologist20M.Sc/ M. Tech./ M.Sc Tech. (Geology/Applied Geology} /
M.Tech. (Geological Technology) with 60% marks or
07 monthsRs. 20,000/-
per month.
Assistanl Chemist10M.Sc. (Chemistry) with 60% marks or equivalent.07 monthsRs. 20,000/-
per month.
05M.Sc / M. Tech. / M.Sc. Tech. (Geophysics/Appfced
Geophysics^ M. Tech. (Geophysical Technology) with 60%
marks or equivalent
07 monthsRs. 20.000/-

Application Procedure:

Interested Candidates meeting with aforesaid required criteria may appear in the Walk-in-Interview on mentioned date and time of the respective post duly filled completely the prescribed format along with Original certificates in support of age, educational /professional qualifications testimonials, experience etc. two passport size photographs and a set of photocopies of the same, faing which he/she will not be allowed for Walk-in- interview –

Important details of Walk in Interview :

Post: Assistant Geologist, Assistant Chemist, Assistant Geophysicist

Date & Reporting Time for Walk in Interview

25.025017 at 09:30 AM to 11.30 AM

27.02.2017 at 09:30 AM to 11 30 AM

01.03.2017 at 09:00 AM to 11.30 AM

Venue: Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited ,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan, Highland Drive
Road, Seminary Hills, Nagpur- 440006 (Maharashtra)

Apply in Prescribed format only available in website.


Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan. Highland Drive Road, Seminary His. Nagpur-

Phone:(0712)-2510310   Extn. : 246/248    Fax : 0712-2510548

E-Mail: recruitment@mecl.gov.in

Quick Overview-—————
OrganizationMineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL)


Fellowship LevelAssistant Geologist, Assistant Chemist, Assistant Geophysicist
Subject areasNatural Sciences
SalaryAs per Gov. norms
EligibilityM.Sc / M. Tech.
DeadlineAppear for the aforesaid Walk-in-interview

Recruitment Details: Find here


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