4 Ra and SRF positions at ICFRE: Walk-in interview for the positions of Project Associate and Senior Project Fellow at the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE).

Project entitledReclamation and Rehabilitation Plan for the areas affected by mining activity in Bellary, Chitradurga and Tumkur districts, Karnataka’ w

Walk-in-Interview will be held on 10th August 2016 at 11:00 AM at chamber of Dy. Director General (Extension) Room No. 145, ICFRE H. Q. Building, Forest Research Institute Campus, Dehradun

  1. Project Associate

Number of Positions: 02 Posts

Required Educational Qualification:

  1. For Position 1
    1. A Ist Class Post Graduate / Masters with a 3 years relevant experience or
    2. D in discipline of Botany
  2. For Position 2
    1. First Class Post Graduate / B.E./ B.Tech, with a three years relevant experience in area of Environmental Science/ Mining/ Geoinformatics / GIS.
    2. Desirable Qualification: Working experience in Biodiversity and Environmental Impact Assessment studies
    3. Preparation of Environmental management plans of developmental projects.
    4. Working experience in GIS for developing and assessing the biodiversity impact, computer knowledge.

Salary: INR Rs.28,000/- with Ph. D or Rs.25,000/- (without Ph.D.) + HRA

2. Senior Project Fellow

Required Educational Qualification:

  1. For Position 1
    1. Ist Class Post Graduate / Masters having a two years relevant experience in discipline of Zoology/ Wildlife / Aquatic Life
  2. For Position 1
    1. First Class Post Graduate / Masters having 2 years relevant experience in area of Botany / Forestry/Geology
    2. Desirable Qualification: Working experience in Biodiversity and Environmental Impact.
    3. Assessment studies and preparation of Environmental management plans of developmental projects.
    4. Working experience of GIS for developing and assessing the biodiversity impact, computer knowledge and preparation of reports.

Salary: INR Rs.20,000/- Per MOnth + HRA

How to Apply: Please see the official website to see all the details (link given below)

Important Dates: Date of Interview – 10th August 2016

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