8 Senior Research Officer: Cabinet Secretariat 4603 views

8 Senior Research Officer: Cabinet Secretariat Gov. of India announces vacancy notice for several positions.

The following posts in Cabinet Secretariat are likely to be filled through direct recruitment on the basis of valid GATE score card, as per details given below:-

Senior Research Officer (Science & Technology) Group ‘A*

Salary: Initial Pay Rs. 56100/-in Level-10 in the Pay Matrix corresponding to pre-revised pay in PB-3 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-.

Vacancy Number: 03 (vacancies may undergo change)
Discipline-wise break-up of vacancies:-
Physics -02

Eligibility Conditions


  1. Master’s degree in Physics or Chemistry.
  2. Doctorate Degree in Science.
  3. Possessing knowledge of French or German or Chinese Language.

Senior Field Officer (Telec-ommunication)

Salary: Initial Pay Rs. 56100/-in Level-10 in the Pay Matrix corresponding to pre-revised pay in PB-3 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-.

No. of Vacancies: 05


  1. Degree in Engineering / Technology in Telecomm-unication or Electronics or equivalent; or
  2. Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineers (India) or Associate Membership Examination of Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers.

Age: Not exceeding 35 years

——Quick Overview———
OrganizationCabinet Secretariat Gov. of India
LevelScientific officers
Subject areasScience and Engineering
SalaryAs per rules
EligibilityMasters / PhD
Deadline20th September


For details: See employement newspaper dated 20-26th Aug

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