87 Faculty Positions at the Central University of Odisha (CUO) 6000 views

87 Faculty Positions at the Central University of Odisha (CUO)

Employment Notification for 87 Faculty Positions at the Central University of Odisha (CUO)

Ref. Number: CUO/Admn./Rect./Tcaching/83/ 

Teaching Positions: (Professors; Associate Professors & Assistant Professors) 

Total Positions: 87

The Central University of Odisha (CUO), established under the Central University Act 2009 to address the growing educational needs of the Country, is located in Koraput, one of the finest places in terms of tranquility and weather throughout the year.


Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Format from the eligible Indian Citizens and candidates possessing Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) for appointment to the posts of PROFESSOR, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR and ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in the Academic Pay Level 14. I3A and 10 in the respective Pay Matrix as per 71 Central Pay Commission Pay Scales, in various Departments of the University on direct recruitment / deputation basis.

The recruitment shall be made in accordance with the “UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018” and Regulations ofNCTE for Teacher Education and AICTE for Business Management and Computer Science.

Vacancy Details

The number of positions to be filled in is mentioned below:

Teaching Position

No. of Posts

Academic Pay Level

Professor15Pay Matrix Level :: 14 as per 7th CPC
Associate Professor28Pay Matrix Level :: 13A as per 7th CPC
Assistant Professor44Pay Matrix Level: 10 as per7th CPC
4Journalism & mass


7Biodiversity & Conservation
Of Natural Resources
13Business Management124
14Computer Science124

Application Procedure

The candidates are required to send the hard copy of the online filled application form (details are given in the link below)

Deadline: Last date for submission of online applications complete in all respects is 31 July 2020.

Quick Overview-————
OrganizationCentral University of Odisha
Fellowship LevelFaculty: All levels
Subject areasScience and Engineering, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
SalaryAs per UGC norms
EligibilityPhD with appropriate experience
Deadline31 July 2020

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