Assistant Professor, Associate Professor: IIT Mandi 14787 views

Associate Professor, Assistant Professor: IIT Mandi

(IIT) Mandi invites applications for faculty positions in the following disciplines

School of Humanities and Social Sciences:

  1. English Literature (Postcolonial)
  2. Economics (Micro/Energy/Health)
  3. Finance (Financial Inclusion/Entrepreneurship)
  4. History (Latin American/Medieval Indian/Modern Indian) Assistant Professor (Grade I & Grade II)
  5. Economics (preferably, Energy, Environment, Behavioral and Experimental, Macro/Micro)
  6. Sociology (preferably, Development, Himalayan Studies)
  7. Psychology (all areas)
  8. Management (preferably, Finance, Digital Marketing)
  9. English Literature (all areas)

School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (all areas of Computer Science and Engineering)

School of Basic Sciences

School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (Data Science and Engineering, Applied Statistics Machine Intelligence Cloud AI Quantum Computing Natural Language Processing Distributed Systems Graph Mining Large Scale Optimization)

Requirements / Qualifications (Varies as per UGC norms)

For Assistant Professor

  1. Applicants should have a passion for teaching, should be exceptionally motivated,
  2. Should have an established record of high-quality research.
  3. A Ph.D. degree is necessary for a faculty position at IIT Mandi;
  4. However, candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis recently or are close to completing their Ph.D. degree may also apply for the posts of Assistant Professor Grade-I and Assistant Professor Grade-II.

For Associate Professor:

  1. Essential qualifications Ph.D. in a relevant area with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree
  2. Consistently good academic record throughout.
  3. Experience: A minimum of 6 years teaching/research/professional experience of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor in an academic institution or equivalent position in a research organization or industry at the time of screening and shortlisting the applications.
  4. The candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research in terms of guidance of PhD students, strong research record, including publications in highly reputed peer-reviewed journals, patents, laboratory/course development, sponsored research projects, and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.

Deadline:  Rolling

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology Mandi (IITM)
Fellowship LevelFaculty (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor)
Subject areasEngineering
SalaryAs per Gov. norms
EligibilityPhD in relevant discipline

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