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10 months ago
The Department of Chemistry at University of Oslo (UiO) is inviting applications for an Associate professor in Inorganic Materials Chemistry (energy storage). The open position is available at the Section for inorganic materials chemistry (UMK).
- Education and research training equivalent to a PhD in inorganic chemistry
- Independent research and scientific qualifications as requested in the announcement
- Experience from stays abroad and from international collaborations; writing proposals and obtaining external funding to research projects
- Experience from being responsible for instruments and/or laboratories, and from procurement of instrumentation
- The successful candidate who at the time of appointment cannot document basic teaching qualifications will be required to obtain such qualifications within a two-year period
- Experience from teaching in the university sector and from supervision of students
- Teaching skills in Norwegian (or a Scandinavian language). Alternatively, the necessary skills must be learned and mastered within an agreed period of time.
How to apply:
Apply online and application must include:
- Cover letter (statement of motivation, summarizing scientific work and research interest)
- CV (complete list of education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, project acquisition and coordination experience, and other qualifying activities)
- Complete list of publications
- Enclosure of academic works (up to 10 publications)
- PhD Diploma
- List of reference persons: (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and phone number)
- Research plan
- Document on teaching experience, pedagogic skills, teaching philosophy
—————–Quick Overview————- | |
Organization | University of Oslo (UiO) |
Country | Norway |
Fellowship Level | Faculty |
Subject areas | Inorganic Chemistry |
Fellowship amount | Varies |
Eligibility | Open to all nationalities |
Deadline | 31st July 2019 |
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