Cell Wall biology: PhD position, Uni of Copenhagen 1304 views

A PhD position in Cell Wall biology is vacant at Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science; University of Copenhagen

About the cell wall biology project:

Principal investigator: Prof Peter Ulvskov

E-mail: ulvskov@plen.ku.dk

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Co-supervisor: Prof. Daniel Cosgrove at Penn State University

3-6 month stay at Penn State is part of the project.

Duration: 3 years

Key tasks involved:

  • to manage and carry through your research project
  • attend PhD courses
  • write scientific articles and PhD thesis
  • teach and propagate your research
  • To stay at an external research institution for a few months, preferably abroad
  • Work for the department


  • Applicants must have an MSc degree in molecular biology/ biochemistry, / biotechnology or related field
  • Applicant must have good English skills.
  • Previous publications (if any) and relevant work experience will be counted as advantage.

Application Procedure

  • Application must be submitted electronically (in English).
  • Cover Letter that clearly address the subject matter of the project
  • Resume
  • Grade transcripts (BSc and MSc)
  • List of publications (if any)
  • 1-3 professional references with full contact details (Name, address, telephone & email) of
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization University of Copenhagen
Fellowship Level Doctoral
Country Denmark
Subject areas Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Biology, Biochemistry
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Open for all nationalities
Deadline 24 July 2016

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