CENTURI (Turing Centre for Living Systems): 5 Postdoc positions 1408 views

The Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI) invites applications from talented Postdoc candidates. CENTURI will fund up to 5 Postdoc positions to start in December 2021. Postdocs will work in an interdisciplinary life science environment. Postdocs will be co-supervised by two or three supervisors from our community.

Duration: 2 years

Research fields:
  • Cell or Developmental Biology
  • Immunology
  • Neurobiology
  • Biophysics
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Computer Science
  • Bioinformatics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Engineering


Apply online and applications must include the following documents, in English (compiled into a single PDF file):

  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • 2 letters of recommendation.
Available projects:
  1. PDP Villoutreix lab | Dynamic multi-domain translation for high-throughput sequencing data
  2. PDP 2021-01 | Uncover the Interplay Between Signalling Dynamics and Cell Mechanics During Early Fate Acquisition in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
  3. PDP 2021-02 | Morphogen dynamics during tissue polarization
  4. PDP 2021-03 | Structural organization of red blood cell suspensions under flows in health and sickle cell disease
  5. PDP 2021-04 | Investigating respiratory rhythm generation using endoscopic 2-photon and photoacoustic imaging
  6. PDP 2021-05 | Neural representation of social information in hippocampal ventral CA1 of normal versus autistic mice
  7. PDP 2021-06 | Mito-learner, a deep learning based algorithm to classify functional mitochondrial states
  8. PDP 2021-07 | In-silico drug-discovery fueled by the molecular data of high-speed afm
  9. PDP 2021-08 | EPIC-Mitochondria
  10. PDP 2021-09 | Elucidating the gene regulatory networks controlling oxidative phosphorylation
  11. PDP 2021-10 | High-throughput detection of marine diazotrophs
  12. PDP 2021-11 | Cellular mechanisms of single cell entrainment by different gamma oscillators in the hippocampus
  13. PDP 2021-12 | Role of SARS CoV 2 membrane associated nonstructural-proteins on assembly and formation of functional double-membrane vesicles (DMV)
  14. PDP 2021-14 | Biochemical and mechanical guidance of migration in single cells and multi-cellular systems
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationTuring Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI)
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasPhysics, Computational sciences, Biology, Maths
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineApril 16, 2021
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