CGS-CUP: Master’s and Doctoral Scholarships 1227 views

Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program (CGS-CUP) is established by the Ministry of Education of China and it is a full scholarship for designated Chinese universities. China Pharmaceutical University offers 37 master’s degree programs and 24 doctoral programs

Scholarship value:

  • Tuition waiver;
  • free university dormitory; CPU will accommodate scholarship students in university dormitory (usually twin room)
  • Master’s students: CNY 3,000/month; PhD students: CNY 3,500/month.
  • Medical insurance

Level of Study:

  • Master’s
  • Doctoral

Duration of Scholarship:

  • Master’s Degree Students: 3 academic years
  • Doctoral Degree Students: 3 academic years

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good health.
  • Applicant must not be studying in Chinese universities.
  • For master’s degree: applicant must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35
  • For Doctoral degree: applicant must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
  • Applicants must have a competitive academic record; strong scientific research ability.

Application Materials

The applicants must fill in and provide the following materials truly and correctly (in duplicate):

  • Application Form (print and sign the form after submitting application online)
  • Photocopy of the passport
  • The notarized photocopy of highest diploma and transcripts (in Chinese or English)
  • Chinese Language test report (HSK) for Chinese-taught programs and English language test report (IELTS or TOEFL for English-taught programs)
  • Research proposal (written in Chinese or English and min. 800 words);
  • 2 letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors in Chinese or English (professors’ signature, contact phone number and email address must be put on the letter);
  • Published academic papers or other academic achievements (if applicable).
  • Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form.
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization China Pharmaceutical University
Fellowship Level Master’s/Doctoral
Country China
Subject areas All disciplines
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline April 15, 2017

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