Computational Biology Postdoctoral Position in Switzerland 2318 views

This Computational Biology postdoctoral position is part of a five year ERC funded research project focusing to get fundamental insights into how signaling inputs orchestrate changes in chromatin and transcriptional activity of targets in gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that control progenitor/stem cell proliferation and fates during organogenesis.

The postdoctoral position is available in the Developmental Genetics Group at the University of Basel, Switzerland (

Required Qualifications

We are looking for a highly motivated applicant with a doctoral degree in a quantitative field such as computational biology, mathematics, statistics or closely related field.

The successful applicant must have an outstanding publication record from their doctoral research. In addition, he/she must prove ambition to have a real impact by creating synergies in collaborating with experimentalists and developing his or her own research within the ERC funded project.

How to apply

Submission of Applications and further Information For further information please contact Prof. Rolf Zeller ( and/or PD Dr. Aimée Zuniga (

Applicants should send complete publication list along with CV, grades of master and PhD, research interest, motivation letter, and the names and addresses of 3 referees as one single PDF file directly to rolf.zeller@unibas.chand/or

Interviews will start September 7, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.

Type of PositionPostdoctoral
SubjectsComputational Biology, biology, mathematics, statistics
ContactProf. Rolf Zeller ( and/or PD Dr. Aimée Zuniga (
How to Applyrolf.zeller@unibas.chand/or
Closinguntil the position is filled

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