Doctoral grant Theoretical Physics Germany 1244 views

Doctoral grant in Theoretical Physics is available. The Institute for Theoretical Physics of Goethe-University Frankfurt invites applications for the following vacancy of a doctoral student position (all gender welcome)

  1. The Doctoral position will involve research under Prof. Falko Pientka on modern problems in condensed matter theory with particular focus on many-body quantum systems in low dimensions.
  2. Possible research topics include various types of collective modes of many-body systems, quantum transport, topological systems and superconductor heterostructures.
  3. The research will be carried out using various analytical and numerical techniques.
  4. The contract will start on September 15th, 2020 or later, with an initial duration of three years.
  5. Salaries are according to the collective agreements on salary scales which apply at Goethe-University.

Qulification requirements:

  1. The candidates should have a Master’s degree in physics and very good knowledge of quantum mechanics and statistical physics.
  2. The applicants will be offered the opportunity to do self-directed research and teaching.

How to Apply

Please send your application, curriculum vitae and a description of research interests until August 15, 2020 via e-mail in a single pdf file to Prof. Dr. Falko Pientka (e-mail:

Quick Overview———
OrganizationGoethe-University Frankfurt Germany
LevelDoctoral grant
Subject areasTheoretical Physics, Physics
EligibilityMaster in physics
Deadline15 August 2020
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