ERC Consolidator Project: 2 PhD and 1 Postdoc position 1532 views

ERC (European Research Council) Consolidator Grant project on “Political Apologies across Cultures invite applications for 2 PhD positions and 01 postdoctoral position at Tilburg University. The project is led by Dr. Juliette Schaafsma.


  • Applicants must have (PhD & Postdoc) background in a relevant discipline, including Anthropology, Human Rights and Transitional Justice, International Relations, Language and Communication, Psychology.

For PhD Positions:

  • Applicant must have excellent qualifications at the UG and master’s level
  • strong interest in research, excellent writing skills, good command of English and preferably a good command of one or more other languages as well, experience with cross-cultural research would be advantageous

For postdoctoral position:

  • Applicant must hold PhD degree and have a proven track record in conducting original scientific research and publishing the results in reputable scientific journals.
  • Applicant must have outstanding organizational and interpersonal skills and have the ability to set up international research networks and coordinate research across different countries.

How to apply

  • Cover letter (describing academic interests, research experience and motivation- max. 2 pages)
  • CV
  • 2 references with names and contact details
  • Writing sample (thesis, essay, or article)
  • Grade transcript
  • Apply online

Note: Interviews are expected to be held in the Ist week of November.

Starting date: for the PhD positions is March 1, 2017 and for postdoc is May 1, 2017

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationTilburg University
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral and Doctoral
Subject areas

Anthropology, Human Rights and Transitional Justice, International Relations, Language & Communication, Psychology

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityMaster’s and PhD
DeadlineOctober 15, 2016

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