Functional Genomics: Postdoc (m/f) and PhD (m/f) positions 1344 views

The Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics is an international research institute invites applications for postdoc and PhD positions in Functional genomics. The positions are available in research group of Dr. Andreas Mayer


  • Applicant must be highly motivated and enthusiastic young researcher who is keen to work at the interface of genome transcription, chromatin regulation, cell differentiation and computational biology.
  • Applicant must have an experimental background in molecular biology and/or functional genomics,

For PhD position:

  • Applicant must hold a Master’s degree or a similar qualification in Biology, Biochemistry or related fields.
  • Applicants with previous experience with mammalian stem cells, genome editing techniques and knowledge of computational biology will hold an advantage.
  • The initial appointment will be for 3 years with the possibility of extension.
  • Earliest expected start date is February 1st, 2017

For Postdoc position:

  • Applicant must have strong experimental background in functional genomics -including practical experience with high-throughput sequencing approaches and genome editing techniques
  • Applicant must hold Ph.D. in Biology, Biochemistry or related fields.
  • Applicants having experience with mammalian stem cells and advanced knowledge of computational biology (scripting and programming in R) will have an edge.
  • The initial appointment will be for 2 years with the possibility of extension.
  • Earliest start date is February 1st, 2017.


Send application including:

  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • Contact information of 3 mentors who agreed to provide a short letter of recommendation.
  • Send all documents through email as a single pdf-file to Dr. Mayer, Email:
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMax Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral and Doctoral
Subject areasBiology, Biochemistry
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline1st December 2016

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