Geomodelling: Senior Research Scientist Position; DHRTC 1874 views

Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre (DHRTC) University of Denmark (DTU) invite applications for the post of Senior Research Scientist in Geomodelling.


  • Applicant must possess Doctoral degree or equivalent as well as academic qualifications equivalent to those obtained by holding a position as Researcher or Postdoc and experience in reservoir modelling in an academic or industry environment.
  • Applicants having previous experience with North Sea chalk reservoirs will be given preference.
  • Applicant must have hands-on experience in sedimentology, petrophysics, geomechanics or seismic interpretation.
  • Applicant must have project management skills.
  • Applicant must have English fluency (in both verbal and written).
  • Applicants having experience Rock mechanics and Rock physics would be advantegeous.
  • Applicant must have skills to integrate petrophysical work with geophysics, the geology and reservoir engineering.

Application procedure

  • Submit applications online before closing date. Applications to be submitted as one pdf file including following materials:
  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • MSc and PhD degree certificates (official translation into English)
  • List of publications with scientific highlights.
  • H-index, and Researcher-ID


Research Manager of Reservoir Characterization

Mikael Lüthje, or

Senior Researcher

Michael Welch,

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationTechnical University of Denmark
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasSedimentology, Petrophysics, Geomechanics
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for all nationalitites
Deadline1 September 2016

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