Human-Robot interaction: Summer Internships; INESC-ID 1104 views

INESC-ID is offering summer Internship in Human-Robot interaction and will support the development of studies that are being conducted with social robots.

Duration of the Internship:

  • 3 months starting from 1st September 2016.
  • The grants may be renewed within the period of the project, not exceeding the maximum period set by FCT for such grants.

Qualification and Experience requirements:

  • Applicant must have at least a bachelors in Science or equivalent
  • Applicant must be able to work full time during these 3 Summer Months.
  • Applications must be sent to and include a CV, a brief statement about research interests and motivation to join the project.

Selection Criteria:

The candidates will be assessed according to their academic record, including:

  • Research experience in general (projects, papers)
  • Experience relevant to the area of Human-Robot interaction
  • Degree and course record – 40%
  • Publication record and research experience (projects) –30%
  • Relevant experience in light of the call topics – 30%

Announcement of Results:

The final evaluation results will be publicized through an ordered list, and the candidates will be informed of the decision by email.


Following documents must be submitted along with the application:

  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Official copy of academic degree certificate(s)
  • Grades transcript
  • 2 personal references with names


Ana Maria Severino de Almeida e Paiva

Scholarship Email:

—————Quick Overview————-
Organization INESC-ID
Fellowship Level Bachelor’s
Country Portugal
Subject areas Applied Science
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility B.Sc
Deadline 30th August 2016

For Further Details: Click



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