Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Research and innovation invites applications for 15 Early Stage Researcher/PhD positions for its HYCOAT project. The project aims to provide an interdisciplinary and multi- training platform. The project deals with the synthesis and applications of hybrid coatings grown by Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD).


  • Applicant must hold a Master degree or equivalent degree which formally entitles them to embark on a doctorate; should not already hold a PhD degree.
  • Applicant must not have stayed or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organization for more than a year in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.
  • Applicant must demonstrate excellent proficiency IN English (both written and spoken English)

Starting date: Before 01.07.2018

Duration: 36-48 months (depends on country)

How to apply

  • Applications with the following documents to be sent by email to the HYCOAT project coordinator,
  • Motivation letter containing research interests, skills, career plans, reasons for applying for this program (1 or 2 pages).
  • Full CV including nationality/citizenship info, academic/education history, research experience, experimental skills, list of publications where applicable.
  • Applicant must provide sufficient detail regarding where he/she have resided and/or engaged in work or study between 01.02.2015 and the date of submission.
  • Diploma (copy) of Master degree or equivalent degree which formally entitle to embark on a doctorate, including annexes with marks/classifications.
  • 2 recommendation letters or contact details of two referees (if referees prefer to send the letters directly to the HYCOAT consortium, please ask them to e-mail to before the deadline).
  • For applicants from non-English speaking countries, please attach copies of recent English language certificates where available.
  • List of maximum 3 selected PhD topics in order of preference.
  • Applications for the PhD positions ESR8 and ESR9 should be done to AND to in parallel.

Partner Organizations:

  • Aalto University: Finland
  • CIC nanoGUNE Consolider: Spain
  • Ghent University (UGent): Belgium
  • IMEC: Belgium
  • KU Leuven: Belgium
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB): Germany
  • TNO: Netherlands
  • Tyndall National Institute: Ireland
  • University of Helsinki (UHel): Finland
  • University of Oslo (UiO): Norway


  • ESR 1: Precursor chemistry for MLD (Work Package 1)
  • ESR 2: Precursor engineering for ALD/MLD process (Work Package 1)
  • ESR 3: Intrinsically porous MLD coatings (Work Package 1)
  • ESR 4: Novel plasma based processing strategies for MLD (Work Package 1)
  • ESR 5: Multi-scale modelling of MLD mechanism (Work Package 1)
  • ESR 6: Synchrotron based techniques for in situ characterization of MLD processes (Work Package 1)
  • ESR 7: Reactor concepts and processes for Spatial MLD (Work Package 1)
  • ESR 8: Electronic functionalization of packaging materials (Work Package 2)
  • ESR 9: (Bio)functionalized gas permeation barriers through Vapour Phase Infiltration and Spatial MLD (Work Package 2)
  • ESR 10: Bioactive surfaces for cell growth through MLD (Work Package 3)
  • ESR 11: Hybrid coatings for enhancing bone compatibility (Work Package 3)
  • ESR 12: Hybrid low-k materials (Work Package 4)
  • ESR 13: Thermoelectric thin film module based on n- and p-type inorganic-organic superlattice components (Work Package 4)
  • ESR 14: MLD of solid composite electrolyte coatings for high-voltage Li-ion batteries (Work Package 5)
  • ESR 15: MLD-based conformal deposition of dual conductor coatings for all-solid state batteries (Work Package 5)
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMarie Sklodowska-Curie grant
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
CountryBelgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway and Spain
Subject areasChemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering
Fellowship amountin accordance with the MSCA regulations
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline08 January 2018

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