The i-CONN is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) project funded by the European Commission, under their H2020 program.  i-CONN will recruit and train 15 young Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to become experts with a unique skill set that includes interdisciplinary scientific techniques, through bespoke training courses and through a series of secondments to partner institutions across the EU.

About the project:
  • The goal of i-CONN is to train a new cohort of researchers specialized in the developing field of Connectivity Science who will be capable of developing interdisciplinary approaches to connectivity across a range of disciplines and real-life applications in the next five to 10 years.


  • Applicants should have (at the date of recruitment), less than 4 years of a research career, and not have a doctoral degree.
  • Trans-national mobility: The applicant (at the date of recruitment) should not have resided in the country where the research training takes place for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to recruitment, and not have carried out their main activity (work ,studies, etc.) in that country.
  • Satisfy the eligibility requirements to enrol on a PhD degree. This includes acceptable English language requirements if English is not your first language.


  • All applications are to be submitted via the hosting institution and applications must include the following:
  • A copy of CV
  • Degree transcripts
  • A motivation letter
  • Names of 2 referees
  • ESR 1 Spatial and temporal roles of critical nodes in ecogeomorphic systems
  • ESR 2 Minimal models of dynamics on networks to study generic SC/FC relationships
  • ESR 3 Self-organized collective patterns on graphs
  • ESR 4 Catastrophic transitions: Regime shifts in network topology resulting in novel systems
  • ESR 5 Analysis of multi-frequency dynamic coherence networks in large-scale electrophysiological recordings
  • ESR 6 Scaling connectivity science in fluvial systems
  • ESR 7 Structure in patterns in ordered datasets with applications in astrophysics, neuroscience and archaeology
  • ESR 8 Changing connectivity properties impacting resilience in riverine landscapes as socio-ecological systems
  • ESR 9 Critical nodes in economic connectivity: A multi-method application to facilitate structural transitions
  • ESR 10 Hotspots and hot moments: the role of connectivity and resilience science for managing human-impacted catchment systems
  • ESR 11 Connectivity within network processes and coupling with global flows
  • ESR 12 Flows of critical (energy) resources
  • ESR 13 Resilience of human interactions with new landscapes
  • ESR 14 Understanding the emergence of connectivity science in practice: a network of network colleagues
  • ESR 15 Use connectivity science to determine the fate (source-pathway-interceptors) of specific diffuse chemicals and pathogens in the water supply chain
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMarie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasEcology, Geomorphology, Neuroscience, Social Science and Systems Biology, Natural Science
Fellowship amountAs per MSCA rules
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline31 January 2020

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