ICGEB: International Centre tor Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology : The Arturo Falaschi Fellowship Programme: PhD and Postdoc Fellowships in ITALY, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA, UK

Type of fellowship:
  1. PhD fellowships

International Centre tor Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology offers “Doctor Philosophiae” (PhD) degree in the life sciences. The Phd program is conducted at

  1. The Open University (UK) and
  2. International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, the
  3. Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi and
  4. University of Cape Town in South Africa.

The structure of the 3-year PhD course includes

  1. Intensive laboratory research activities,
  2. Participation in seminars & communication training during Journal Club sessions, symposia and international meetings.
  1. Postdoc fellowships

The institute offers Postdoc grants in the Life Sciences to highly motivated scientists wishing to pursue research in a world-class scientific environment.

The Fellowships consist of a competitive package including stipend, health insurance & additional benefits.

  1. Short-term fellowships

Short-term fellowships can be awarded, as follows:

The institute offers Short-term grants for Pre-doctoral and Postdoc studies in ICGEB Component laboratories to fund ongoing collaborative research between scientists from ICGEB Member States and research groups at ICGEB laboratories in Italy, India and Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of facilitating access to the latest research techniques and to strengthen capacity building.

The institute SMART Fellowship program promotes the mobility of researchers between ICGEB Member States.

Quick Overview——–
OrganizationInternational Centre tor Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Fellowship LevelPhd or Postdoc
Subject areasNatural Sciences
FellowshipCommensurate with the current relulations
EligibilityOpen for ICGEB member countries
DeadlineMarch, June, September, December (Yearly)

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