IDP MIMESIS, Munich PhD Program: 8 PhD grants 2260 views

5-8 Doctoral Positions at the IDP MIMESIS, Munich PhD Program for Literature and Arts at LMU Munich funded by Elite Network of Bavaria offers.

Starting date: 1 April 2017

Deadline for application: 1 November 2016.

The International Doctoral Program (IDP) MIMESIS is dedicated for innovative doctoral research in the core fields of literature and the arts, with special emphasis on historical, theoretical & transdisciplinary perspectives.

Core areas:

  1. Literature,
  2. theatre,
  3. performance,
  4. music,
  5. film studies,
  6. architecture and
  7. visual arts,

Requirements / Qualifications:

  1. Hold an excellent/above average master’s degree or equivalent in literature, art history, theatre or film studies or any other related subjects.
  2. The outline of the proposed research project should show an obvious connection to the research profile of the program
  3. German and English are the favoured working.
  4. Proficiency in both languages is required.

Duration: 2 years with the possibility of renewal for one more year.

Location: Munich.

How to Apply: The application must be submitted online using this application tool (please register on this website). With this tool you can upload all the required documents as pdf or jpeg file online.

Required application documents:

  1. completed online application form
  2. cover letter, giving the reasons for applying
  3. curriculum vitae, including a detailed description of your academic career and list of publications (no preformatted CV, e.g. Europass)
  4. sample of academic work (e.g. a chapter of a Master’s thesis, work plan and time edule for the completion of the research project
  5. copies of all academic degrees acquired
  6. two references which can be directly uploaded on the application tool by the referees

The link for the application tool will be published here on September 19 (Check this place for updates ).

Please direct any further enquiries to

Key dates: The application tool will open on September 19 and will remain open until November 1.

Quick Overview——–
OrganizationLudwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
Fellowship LevelPhD
Subject areasLiterature and Arts
FellowshipAS per Norms
EligibilityMasters in related disciplines
Deadline1 Nov.

Further Information: Click here

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