Indian Institute Of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), Mumbai: Positions of Sr. Project Technical Assistant (SPTA), Junior Research Fellow (JRF ) are available in the following projects.
- Department: Biosciences & Bioengineering
High Field 790 MHz NNR Facility
SPTA: (1 Post)
Conditions of Eligibility:
- M. Sc. in Chemist/Physics/Biochemistry/Bioinfomiatics.
- Candidates should have solid knowledge of NMR theory
- Have good experience for operating NMR spectrometer.
- Should haave Knowledge of programming and computational work. Eventually candidate should be Familiar with recordirg multi-dimensional, multi-nudei NWR experiments and inlenreting data.
Fellowship / Salary : Consolidated sa:sry Rs.30000 – 42C00 + Rs4000.00/- Out Of Campus Allowance (jf applicable) p.m.
Job Profit: Research staff will be responsible for operating and maintaining NMR spectrometer (750 MHz). We are looKing for candidate who is motivated to team and do research.
2. Department: Civil Engineering
Centrifuge and Numerical Modelling of Long-term stability of Retention type Tailings dams
JRF: (1 Post)
Conditions Eligibility:
- BE/B.Tech in Civil Engineering or Equivalent and M.E/W.Tech / MSwth Geotechnical Engineering as a Spscialsation in civil Engineering
- Exposure to experimentation and hstrumentation in geotechnical engineering and Numerical modelling is preferable.
Fellowship / Salary : Consolidated saiery Rs.2500a’- p.m. + HRA
Job Profile: The job involves planning, execution of model tests in the laboratory a: high gravity. The candidate is expectec lo register for a PhD with the institute and successful comp etion of results should be able to lead to a PhD degree during the tenure of the project.
Duration: The positions are temporary initially for a period of 1 year and is tenable only for the duration of project The selection committee may offer lower or higher designation and lower or higher salary depending upon the experience and the performance of the candidate in the interview
Further Information: Click here