Institut Pasteur invites applications for the INCEPTION (INstitut Convergence: Emergence of Pathology Through Individuals and PopulatiONs)Workshop/Training/Visiting Scientist. The call aims to strengthen existing networks, to build new networks of national and international cross cooperation and to encourage the exchange of ideas and concepts in all the areas relevant to the INCEPTION program.

Study areas:
  • Integrative Biology
  • Social Science
  • Data Science
  • Biology
  • Medicine
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Physics

Funding: up to a global amount of 5000€ maximum; Proposals with two or more co-organizers from different partner institutions will be favoured, but this is not required.

Duration: up to 6 months maximum


  • Applicant would require to deliver at least 1-2 seminars/courses per month, and INCEPTION will provide 1000€ per month to help the applicant for local fees.
  • If the project is selected, the INCEPTION program and the “Investissements d’Avenir” must be presented as sponsor, and low prices for PhD students and researchers of the INCEPTION partners must be proposed.
  • A report with the outcome (number of speakers and attendees, program of the event, total cost…) will be asked at the end of the event.
  • The call is open to all Institut Pasteur and partner teams


  • Download the application form and return the completed form to
  • Proposals will be evaluated by the Inception management board on a continuous-flow basis.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationInstitut Pasteur
Fellowship LevelWorkshop/Training/Visiting Scientist
Subject areasIntegrative Biology, Social Science and Data Science
Fellowship amount5000€ maximum
EligibilityOpen to all
Deadline30 November 2024

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