Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay offers Institute Post-doctoral (post-doc) fellowships. These fellowships are available in various academic Departments, Centres, Schools and Inter-disciplinary programs. The fellowships are open throughout the year. (no last date for the applications).

Fellowship value:
  • Fresh PhD Rs. 65,000/- p.m
  • PhD + 1 year experience Rs. 68,000/-p.m
  • PhD+ 2 year experience Rs. 71,000/-p.m.
  • Non-lapsable contingency grant 15,000/year


  • Applicants keen to be appointed may be fresh PhDs or research scholars who have submitted their thesis and are awaiting examination.
  • IIT Bombay’s own PhD students are not eligible for this position.


  • Departments will evaluate these applications through a process similar to what they would adopt for faculty selections.
  • A yearly report of progress and a seminar evaluated by a departmental committee will be conducted.

Duties and Facilities:

  • A Postdoc Fellow will have a guide whose area is closest to that of the fellow.
  • The HOD may assign reasonable academic/administrative tasks depending on the need.
  • The Department must also agree to provide reasonable office and lab space to its postdoctoral fellows.
  • Financial support is provided for one international conference during the tenure of the fellowship for the presentation of their research work done at IIT Bombay.
  • Support for one national conference per year is also provided.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountVaries as per experience
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals

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