International Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra 1246 views

International Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra will take place at the Akademie Berlin-Schmöckwitz in Germany and will be held in association with the SIAM Activity Group in Linear Algebra (SIAG/LA).

About the program:

  • for Master’s and PhD students in mathematics and related programs
  • The school will consist of 4 courses on the theory of sparse representation and approximation, tensor based methods and computation, algorithms for sparse numerical linear algebra, and sparsity in optimization.
  • All courses will have a strong computational component.
  • A poster session during the summer school will give participating students the opportunity to present their own work to the whole group.

Number of places: 40


  • May 29, 2017 to June 9, 2017
  • The weekend in between (June 3-4) will be used for group activities (e.g. sightseeing in Berlin or Potsdam).
  • Participants are expected to stay for the entire school.


  • Applications are invited from graduate students (working toward a M.Sc. or PhD or equivalent) from all countries and from all disciplines related to the topic of the school to apply.
  • The program is part of the G2S3 2017 mission statement to increase diversity in the Computational Sciences
  • Female students and students from under-represented minorities are encouraged to apply, as well as students from smaller institutions.


  • Send the following documents (in English) and combined into a single PDF file to
  • Cover letter describing relevant experience and motivation (2 pages max.)
  • Brief CV (2 pages max.)
  • Transcript containing relevant classes attended (only course titles and grades)
  • Application for financial support of travel costs (If required)
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationInstitute of Mathematics, TU Berlin
Fellowship LevelInternship
Subject areasMathematics, Computational Sciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineFebruary 1, 2017

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