Isaac Newton Trust: Rutherford Research Fellowship 1738 views

Applications are invited for an Isaac Newton Trust Rutherford Research Fellowship to be taken up at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge.

Subject areas:

  • Classics
  • Education
  • English (including Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic)
  • Modern and Medieval Languages (including Linguistics)
  • Music

Duration: The Fellowship will normally be tenable for 3 years from 1 October 2017.


  • The primary duty of a Research Fellow is to pursue research.
  • A progress report on the research will be required every year, and will be considered at an annual renewal.
  • The Isaac Newton Trust Rutherford Research Fellowship recipient will normally be expected to undertake (for an additional payment) up to 4 hours of small group teaching every week.
  • A guide (or supervisor) will be allocated throughout the period of the Fellowship.
  • Recipient will be elected to a Fellowship of the College, with which certain responsibilities and privileges are associated

Remuneration and Benefits:

  • Pre-PhD: £18,212 – £20,989; Post Doc: £19,828 – £22,249
  • Rent-free single accommodation
  • Allowance: £3,249 (paid to any Research Fellow not resident in College)
  • small tax-free allowance to cover out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the entertainment of students
  • annual allowance: £1000 for academic purposes


  • Fellowships are open to graduates (women and men) from any university who have recently or are about to complete their PhD.
  • Applicant would normally be expected to have completed not more than 5 years full time equivalent post-doctoral research.
  • Applicants are required to submit research statement (max 1,000 words) outlining the work candidates would submit in support of their applications.

Application Process:

  • Apply online
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge
Fellowship Level Research awards
Country UK
Subject areas Education, Language, Music
Fellowship amount Mentioned above
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline 14 November 2016

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