ISDC: 33 Faculty Positions in India 1533 views

Iswar Saran Degree College (ISDC), Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) is seeking applications for 34 Assistant Professor.

ISDC invites applications for recruitment for the post of Assistant Professor.

Last date for complete application is 20th September 2016.

Number of Vacancy: 33 Posts

Requirements / Educational Qualification: 

  1. qualification & experience required for the above posts are as prescribed by UGC.

Salary: INR Rs.15600-39100 + AGP Rs. 6000/-

Age Limit: As Per Rules.

Application Procedure:

Applications completed in prescribed proforma and requisite nonrefundable fee (Rs. 1000/- only for GEN & OBC and Rs. 500/- only for SC/ST/PWD) in the form of Demand Draft from any Nationalised bank in favour of Principal, Iswar Saran Degree College, payable at Allahabad may be sent to the Principal, Iswar Saran Degree College, Chandpur Salori, Post Teliarganj, Allahabad- 211004. Please superscribe the post applied (in Bold) for on the envelope.

Deadline: Last date for application is: 20th September 2016

Quick Overview——–
OrganizationIswar Saran Degree College (ISDC)
Subject areasMultiple
SalaryAs per government rules
EligibilityAs per government rules
DeadlineLast Date: 20th September 2016



For other details, please visit official notification at Download Official Notification

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