JRF position at NITP: Nano-Science & Technology 1299 views

JRF position at NITP: National Institute of Technology Patna (NITP): It is an Institute under Ministry of HRD, Gov. of India. Advertisement For Junior Research Fellow (JRF): Applications are invited for the post of JRF in the DST -SERB sponsored research project titled “Synthesis and characterization of novel ceramic membranes efficient for gas separation applications”.

Fellowship and duration: JRF @ 25,000/- per month + HRA for the first 2 years.

Based on the performance, the position may be extended to 1 more year with the emolument @ 28,000/- per month.

Note: The position is temporary and performance will be reviewed periodically.

Age Limit: 28 Years or below.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Master (M.Sc.) degree in Physics with at least 55% & a valid NET/GATE score with preferable specialization in Materials science or Solid State Physics.
  2. Candidates with M.Tech. degree in Nano-Science and Technology/ Ceramics/ Materials Science, are also eligible to apply.


  1. Application on plain paper giving complete bio-data along with self attested copies of testimonials/documents.
  2. Send your applications preferably by e-mail to skj@nitp.ac.in (cc to shivendrabhu@gmail.com) and hard copy through speed-post addressed to

Dr. Shivendra Kumar Jaiswal (PI)

Department of Physics,

NIT Patna,

Ashok Rajpath,



(Please write in the subject line: Application for the post of JRF under project (CR/2015/000444).

Important Information:

  1. All original documents should be produced in original at the time of interview.
  2. Candidate must provide valid e-mail IDs/phone no. in their applications.
  3. The date of interview will be informed later, to the short-listed candidates through email/phone.
  4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
  5. Contact Person Dr. Shivendra Kumar Jaiswal, E-mail(s): skj@nitp.ac.in, shivendrabhu@gmail.com

 Deadline: 11 th October 2016

Quick Overview——–
OrganizationNational Institute of Technology Patna (NITP)
Fellowship LevelJRF
Subject areasNanotechnology
FellowshipAs per UGC rules
Deadline11 th October 2016

Further Information: Click here

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