JRF and RA at CSIR funded Project: IIT Ropar 1950 views

JRF and RA CSIR funded Project at IIT Ropar: JRF / RA for a CSIR funded Project at the Division of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Department of Physics at IIT Ropar

Ref. No: CSIR/03(1353V16/EMR-ll

Type of Position: JRF/RA

Project: “Onset and strength of Massive Transfer Events in Low Energy Heavy Ion Reactions”,

The experiments related to this project will be carried out at the Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi and/or at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai.

Area of Research: Nuclear Reactions around the Coulomb barrier

Fellowship: JRF: Rs. 25.000, RA: Rs. 36.000 (Besides the fellowship, project staff will be entitled to a monthly HRA and a contingent grant as per the institute rules.

Eligibility Conditions / Requirements:

  1. For JRF Position: Master degree in Physics or équivalant with 55%, commitment to pursue research in the subject area. The candidate(s) must have studied courses on Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear & Particle Physics.
  2. Junior Research Fellow (JRF): JRF candidates must have a valid CSIR-UGC (NET with or without JRF) certificate or a GATE score in Physical Sciences in addition to the qualification mentioned in point ‘a’.
  3. For Research Associate: RA candidates must have a PhD degree in Experimental Nuclear Physics. Age limit 35 years.

Desirable: working knowledge of C++ language and ROOT package.

Mobility Conditions: JRF/RA is expected to travel for experiments, conferences/meetings and collaborative discussions within India and abroad.

Application Procedure:

  1. Interested candidates should email a short CV and must arrange to send a letter of recommendation directly to the PI of this project on pps@iitrpr.ac.in by the deadline March 05,2017.
  2. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be given for attending the interview.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationIIT Ropar
Fellowship LevelJRF, RA
Subject areasNuclear and Particle Physics
Fellowship amountAs per Gov. rules
DeadlineMarch 05, 2017

Position Details: Application Procedure

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