Lizard Island Postdoctoral Fellowships, Australia 1768 views

These fellowships provide monetary support for research by scientists having awarded PhD degree fewer than five years before of the application date at the Lizard Island Research Station. Each grant provides up to AUD $12,000 for outreach research expenses to be spent within 1 year.

They do not give salary. Fellows make substantial original contributions to coral reef science. The scholarships are intended to motivate scientific remuneration in addition to the research outcomes through partnership, research training, and contributing to larger projects.

We are expecting this year  applications for research proposals that develop understanding of the effect of major events such as cyclones and bleaching on reefs and/or of recovery from those events.

Up to 2 of the scholarships for 2017 may be awarded by invitation, outside of the process outlined here.

 Eligibility criteria

  • Candidate must have a doctorate degree awarded between 7th Oct 2011 & 7 Oct 2016
  • Selected candidate will be employed at organization for the duration of the Fellowship year (April 2017 to March 2018)
  • Applicant must have an outstanding academic record.
  • Has high research output in relation to career stage.
  • Has relevant research and fieldwork experience.

 How to apply:

Applications must be submitted to Lizard Island Research Station using the form provided.

  • Curriculum vita
  • Application form


The application should be sent as a single email attachment in Word or rich text format (not as a pdf file). Applications will be assessed against the selection criteria.

To assist in arrange your application, kindly contact another portions of this web site to discover about LIRS facilities and the number of helper you will need to bring to comply with the Station’s scuba diving and boating rules. You are also welcome to contact LIRS with any queries.

—————Quick Overview————-
Institution Lizard Island Research Station
Position Post-doc
Country Australia
Subject areas Coral reef science
Fellowship amount AU$12,000,
Eligibility Open for all nationalities
Last Date 07.10.2016

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